Stuti Sutra"Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti, Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,
Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam, Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa"
'Know meditation by observing the Master's form. Learn the true art of prayer by surrendering at the lotus feet of the Guru. Every word spoken by the Master is a mantra for prayer and enlightenment is but the ultimate grace of the Guru'
'Stuti Sutra' is an all out proclamation of love and praise for the Master who cuts down the shackles of ignorance of a disciple and lets him soar into the vast open skies of truth.
"Yasya Smaran Matren Gyaanamutpadyate Swayam,
Sah Ev Sarvsampati Tasmat Sampujyed Gurum"
"Just by remembering whom, the supreme reveletion occurs, He is your all wealth, just adore Him, bow to Him"
The beautiful, heart piercing shlokas in this album are a tribute offered by sages of ancient India in honor of the enlightened Guru. If you just surrender all your knowledge and pride and listen to them with a truly sincere heart, you cannot but escape from the magic that follows. It fills your entire being with an inexpressible feeling of spritual love, pain, pure devotion and endless gratitude.The shlokas and the 'Manas Puja' capture your heart and send you deeper and deeper down into an ecstatic river of joy and silence.
And when you begin feeling the calm within your heart, like soft soothing moonlight,you would love to sing along with 'Taaron Mein Chandra Saaman Ho' which lauds the Guru as a bright radiant moon of knowledge in the dark starry night of life.
And finally , just as the smell of a rose cannot be described by a thousand words until you actually smell it, so also is Stuti Sutra, a fragrant tender flower , which cannot be described by harsh broken words. Open your heart with unconditional surrender and feel the magic for yourself!
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